Novel Orthotopic Pancreatic Cancer Cell Lines with Kras-G12D Mutation Derived from C57BL/6-KPC Mice
Novel Orthotopic Pancreatic Cancer Cell Lines with Kras-G12D Mutation Derived from C57BL/6-KPC Mice
B6-KrasLSL-G12C for assessing the occurrence and development of spontaneous tumors in the lung
B6-KrasLSL-G12C for assessing the occurrence and development of spontaneous tumors in the lung
NCG-MHC-dKO mouse-lacks GvHD, an ideal model for PBMC reconstitution and pharmacodynamic evaluation
NCG-MHC-dKO mouse-lacks GvHD, an ideal model for PBMC reconstitution and pharmacodynamic evaluation
TNFR2 humanized mice- an ideal model for studying anti-TNFR2 antibodies
TNFR2 humanized mice- an ideal model for studying anti-TNFR2 antibodies
NCG-M humanized mice - an excellent model for human immune reconstitution of myeloid lineages
NCG-M humanized mice - an excellent model for human immune reconstitution of myeloid lineages
A Novel Mouse Model for Preclinical Efficacy Evaluation of anti-CD3/GPRC5D Bispecific Antibodies
A Novel Mouse Model for Preclinical Efficacy Evaluation of anti-CD3/GPRC5D Bispecific Antibodies